§ 2-49.3. Powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • The Recreation Advisory Committee shall have the following duties:


    Appoint a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary.


    Schedule monthly meetings with additional meetings to be called by the Chairman who shall be elected by the members of the Recreation Advisory Committee.


    Advise the Township Council regarding ordinances which affect the recreation of the Township.


    Advise the Township Council as to the recreational needs of the Township including quarterly assessment reports to the Township Council on recreational achievements and problems.


    Advise the Planning Board and Environmental Commission concerning recreation and open space, including an annual review of the "recreation and open space" components of the Township's Master Plan.


    Sponsor and administer cultural and recreational programs and activities in cooperation with other public and private agencies and organizations, and provide specialized programs for the aged, the handicapped and other special purposes.


    Advise the Director of the Department of Public Works and recommend procedures and programs for the repair, maintenance, restoration and enhancement of Township's recreational facilities: said recommendations to include, but not be limited to, capital improvements and operating functions.


    Formulate and present a recreation budget to the Township Manager on or before November 1 of the calendar year.


    Undertake any other duties that may be assigned by the Township Council.

Ord. No. 0.14.90 § 4